Approximately 98% of Conservatives Fail at Messaging; Don't Be One of Them

The Innovative Mind Behind the Frederick Douglass Republican Engagement Strategy

PROBLEM: The number one challenge conservatives have grappled with for the past seven decades is messaging. This challenge arises because the word "conservative" has been demonized and redefined by the left, carrying a racist connotation.

SOLUTION: To be effective messengers of Liberty, conservatives must employ a persuasive messaging model that is so robust that the left can't question it, can't attack it, and can't' defeat it. In other words, they need a Liberty message that enables them to skillfully defend and articulate their conservative point of view.

This message of freedom finds its essence in none other than America's greatest messenger of Liberty, Frederick Douglass. His powerful message of Liberty stands out as  the most formidable weapon in the fight for freedom.

In "Telling Conservatives the Truth," KCarl Smith offers the solution to the messaging problem that conservatives are currently facing - the Frederick Douglass Republican Engagement Strategy

"Telling Conservatives the Truth," is an action handbook for conservatives - empowering and equipping them to become better messengers of Liberty in the war against communism.


*An autographed copy  of KCarl's book includes three (3) engagement cards.

KCarl Smith

The Nation's #1 Diversity Engagement Strategist

About "Telling Conservatives the Truth"

"Telling Conservatives the Truth," serves as a comprehensive exploration and guide within the realm of conservative thought and advocacy. In this insightful work, KCarl delves into the messaging problem faced by conservatives and provides the solution. 

Since 2008, KCarl has consistently advocated for a shift in conservative messaging by advising conservatives to refrain from using the term "conservative" as a political-identifier. His aim is to empower conservatives to effectively communicate the message of Liberty. The book not only serves as a call to action but also as a roadmap for conservatives seeking to articulate their beliefs persuasively.

"Telling Conservatives the Truth," is a valuable resource for those looking to become more effective messengers of Liberty.

from 1,500 reviews

So how do you know if this book is what you need?

Have you experienced any of these situations?

A family member or friend returned home from college with strong Marxist beliefs
You have been accused of being a racist or an Uncle Tom
Your conservative values led you to being excluded from your grandchild's life
You avoid discussing politics during family gatherings to keep the peace
You are no longer on speaking terms with close family members and friends due to political differences
You are witnessing a generational divide within your family, where younger relatives have embraced Marxist ideals and older family members hold more conservative values
You have contemplated removing your Marxist-indoctrinated child or grandchild from your will
You have been unfriended on social media

So how do you trump the race card? How do you effectively engage your Marxist-indoctrinated family and friends and ignite a passion for Liberty within them? How do you effectively share and defend your conservative point of view? The answer is simple - the Frederick Douglass Republican Engagement Strategy.

from 1,500 reviews


*An autographed copy  of KCarl's book includes three (3) engagement cards.

from 1,500 reviews


*An autographed copy  of KCarl's book includes three (3) engagement cards.

Guess who stood in

agreement with KCarl?

Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021)

On November 28, 2018, during the third hour of his show, Rush spoke in agreement to what KCarl has been espousing since 2008:

STOP using the word "conservative"

Click to play!

KCarl in Action

Oklahoma Conservative PAC, October 11, 2023

To witness KCarl in action is to experience a dynamic and impactful presentation. His engaging speaking style, coupled with his deep understanding of conservative values and diversity engagement, creates an enlightening and thought-provoking experience. Whether he's discussing his popular book or sharing the Frederick Douglass Republican Engagement Strategy, catching KCarl in action promises to be an inspiring and educational event that leaves a lasting impression.

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"This course is on point. It has helped me to become a better messenger of Liberty. I now have the confidence, knowledge and skills to effectively articulate and defend my conservative viewpoint with anyone."

Lynne Roberts

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